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ABRI Magazine

ABRI Magazine is a project of 33 second-year students of HKU Graphic Design, in collaboration with AG: Room for new art and media. The starting point was the phenomenon of tourism. Halfway through the research, the perspective on our research field was really unexpectedly tilted; what is the meaning of tourism in a situation where everyone is expected to stay at home as much as possible? In this period of reflection, how do we view the increasing influence that the tourism industry has on life in our inner cities? And to what extent will it be carefree traveling to see more of the world, to tick the highlights on our bucket list or to gain authentic experiences in exotic places in the future?

Together with Peter Roeleveld, Esmeè Jakubowski and Juul van der Zandt we designed all 33 projects into a magazine. Not only did we determine the appearance of the magazine, but also the format, type of paper, editorial and typography were our responsibilities.

Photography Valentino Angela

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